A new blog beginning!

Yep, it’s me!

I had one of those days today where I thought I just might have something interesting to say so I thought I would start this vlog again.  I had this vlog going in 2002, then again in 2006.  Now that it is 2011, I thought I just might need to post some thoughts from time to time, being that time is truly getting short.   I feel it with each passing day!  Bette Davis was right…”Getting old isn’t for sissies”!

I started to make videos for the same reason (maybe having something interesting to say), but as it turns out, I just can’t seem to “vlog” (for those who might not know what that means yet, it’s to blog through video).   I don’t think anyone will be interested in hearing my thoughts from day to day, nor do I know if I will actually post thoughts daily, but at least this blog is here if I decide to do so.

If you are reading this, thank you!  I hope you register and interact with me.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on my thoughts.  And if I am the only one around here, well, I’ll have to register another user of me just to interact with!  ha!

On I go into the land of the blogosphere!

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