Back yet again…

Yep, it's me!

I bet you are thrilled to see me…ha!  I wonder who I’m talking to??  Oh yeah…I’m talking to myself since I am the only one that comes over here.  No one cares what I have to say…duh!  There is a bit of freedom in that I am the only one that can judge me on what I say here…LOL

Many things have been going on in my life lately.  I want to lose this weight that I have put on since I quit smoking!  I’m beginning to wonder if quitting was such a good thing!  For this week and next, I will be working out meal plans, etc., to change the way I eat again.  I’m thinking a weekly blog on the progress might be an idea of something to write about.  Getting healthy is always the goal.  I’m thinking dying of nothing could be a good thing these days.  Kinda says that my body just wore out.  I don’t know why I like that idea being that I can’t wait for my time here to be over with, I just do.  Hmmmmm….maybe there is something fun and exciting on the horizon for me that I can’t see??  One can only hope!

Dealing with my feelings of being “surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends” ignoring me these days.  That’s OK.  I’m over it for the most part.  I guess if you are not a “needy” person in the ways people want you to be to manipulate you, well those friends show they are not and have not been your friend.  Yet another lesson in not to trust people and believe them for who they say they are.  I’ve also round that some people just don’t know how to be a friend to self-sufficient people that don’t need to be “saved”.   The only one that can save me is me…that is *IF* and that is a big *IF*, I wanted to be saved, and at this moment, nope…not looking for a saviour. 

The main reason I came over here was to link this amazing video that a friend of mine created.  I love all things dark and twisty, so this video was the perfect prescription to fill that order.  Steve’s video, (yes that Steve from “OceanTownPictures“), “The Reincarnation of Caravaggio” was created after a dualing video challenge with another YouTube friend, xyzllii.  Here is her video, “Carpe Diem“.  Truly brilliant videos both and I highly recommend that anyone reading this go and watch.  Be sure to read their descriptions on their videos which will explain a bit more about the dual challenge, and don’t forget to comment, give them a thumbs up, and subscribe to their channels.  Brilliant artist both, great friends, and inspiration to each other as well as anyone watching.  Get to know them, I think you will enjoy knowing them and calling them friend.

I might blog more about what happened with the other “friend” a little later…or not…

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