Defending Charlie Sheen…

Yep, it's me!

Now that the media has shifted it’s attention away from Charlie and to something that truly is news worthy (the earthquake, tsumami, and the possible meltdown of the nuclear power plants), I will say what I’ve been thinking on the recent happenings with Charlie.

First, I think the bombardment of “coverage” about his personal “life-scapades” was a bit much.  It always makes me wonder what else is going on in the world that is being diverted from the spot light.  A bit of the “wag the dog” syndrome, but I digress.

Secondly, so what?  Uh oh…now Caylyn’s blog is going to defend Charlie Sheen and his self proclaimed “winning” actions?  (Winning actions would depend on how you view his journey, of course.  The “Winning” music video with Charlie can be found here).  To answer the aforementioned question…Yes, I am! 

The guy is an adult and living his life how he wants to.  Why is it anyone’s business?  The way I see it is good on ya, Charlie!  That is true freedom exploring your world/mind the way you want too!!  I think people are a bit jealous that Charlie gets to explore in the ways that he does so they have to try and make excuses for his behavior; ie: bi-polar.  He isn’t, nor has he ever been the type of person to conform to societal “norms.”  Although my view of Charlie is that he is a bit on the “smarmy” side in his search for himself, I do like his “no fear” approach to his life as he experiences it to the fullest while pushing his mental, physical, ethical, and societal, in short, pushing ALL the limits he can,  which is something, that in my opinion, many of us are envious of and wish we could have that type of freedom in our own lives to experience.  Maybe not to the extent that Charlie is traveling, however, but just to take some journey outside of ourselves and/or outside the “norms” for even the briefest moment.

Charlie has gone to the other side and has returned to tell the tale.  Once again, good on ya, Charlie!  My wish and hope for Charlie is now that he has returned from the land of “all things truly are possible” other side (being “a total fucking rock star from Mars” and all), that he has returned intact or soon will be fully intact to share his stories of that self-imposed alternative universe of his mind and not self-destructed in his quest for self, like so many before him have done.  There could be some really intersting things that come out of his experience…or not…

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