Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the use of this site.  I hope you will find your answers here.  If not, please be sure to go to the contact page or use the “Feedback” tab along the side to ask your questions.  The Answers will be either emailed to you (if you have given your email address) and/or posted here.

Thank you for the honor of answering your inquiries!

Q.  How do I subscribe to receive a notification that you have a new post?
A.  That’s easy!  On every page you will see on the left hand side a heading that says, “Subscribe to Caylyn’s Blog”.  Just add your email address and click subscribe.  There will be a window that will pop up with a captcha.  Type what you see and you are finished!

Q.  How do I know if someone has replied to one of my comments?
A.  All you need to do is subscribe to the comments too!  Same process as above with the only difference being you will need to click on “Subscribe to Comments”.

Q.  How do I chat live with someone that I see is here and online too?
A.  You just need to be registered and logged into Caylyn’s Blog.  There are a couple of ways you can do that, but the easiest way is to click here which will take you to the home page.  In the left side column, you will see where to click that will guide you through the process.

Q.  Is there anyway that I can write articles to post on this blog?
A.  Yes you can!  Just contact me with your request and I will get in touch with you to let you know what to do next!  (Be sure you gave me your email address to contact you!)

Q.  How do I share a post or article?
A.  At the bottom of each article and/or post, you will see a link to all kinds of ways to share.  Feel free to click on the way that you choose.
(Don’t forget to click on the Google +1 button while you’re there too.  Thanks!)

Q.  Why do you have ads on your site?
A.  The simple answer is, why not? The ads are there to help you find things you might be looking for or you might find something that I was talking about since the ads are linked to many of the things I’m writing about.

Q.  Some things don’t work here.  Why?
A.  I have noticed this when using IE 8 or 9, (Windows Internet Explorer) browser.  To fix this, just click on your compatibility view toggle on the URL bar.  That should fix any viewing issues you may have here on Caylyn’s Blog and as well as elsewhere on the internet.

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