Did you miss me?

Yep, it's me!

Well, did you miss me?  Probably not since you don’t really know me, right?

I see I have some more people that have registered! Thank you! I’m always thinking I will be more active here on a regular basis and I keep trying to think up new things to do here besides rambling about things in my life.  I’ll still ramble, but, I’d like to have some other things going here too! 

I have set up a Live Broadcasting page and I have an idea as to what kind of “show” I will do. So, just think, you might see me weekly! Are you doing the happy dance yet?  Once again, probably not, but I do hope you will check back in and be a part of the show if and when I get it going. If you would be interested in being a part of this new venture, (being a co-host, a blog author, being part of the audience chats, or whatever), I would love to hear any and all of your input on this idea. Hmmmm…should I send everyone an email with details? This is all new to me, so I guess time will tell.  I just might see if I can set up some kind of poll here and have everyone vote on it, if I can figure it out that is.  Seems most of you are shy and don’t comment, add photos to your accounts, or any of that, so, I’m wondering if you would click to vote?  And yet again, time will tell.

With all that said, here is a little ramble about things that I have been doing these days, (besides setting up the live broadcasting stuff).  As some of you already know, I have been trying to get my bite fixed.  After seeing so many terrible dentists through out the years, things just weren’t fitting right creating all kinds of havoc for me; i.e., headaches, plugged up ears, not being able to chew well, and a list of ailments that left me in an overall terrible mood!

After nearly a year with one dentist, (the one who had me in that prosthetic torture device), I decided it wasn’t working and the length of time was just not acceptable!   Ten (10) months with that torture device, hours of “tensing”, a broken, ill fitting prosthesis, a new expensive prothesis to replace the broken one, more tortue, more adjustments, and the continued terrible fit of said prothesis, with no end in sight and an appointment was made for 6 weeks later at the last appointment,  I reached my breaking point (finally) and couldn’t take another minute of it!  Did I mention how rude, mean, and non-communicative that he became?  It was awful the way he talked to me, scowling, glaring, and talking to me with complete contempt!  Yes, it finally happened, I left him!  I am requesting my money back from him now and I’m hoping he is fair about it!  I would hate to end up in court!  But for the money he has received (thousands) and the broken tooth I orginally went to him for was still not fixed, I am worse than I was when I went to him.  As much as I wouldn’t want to go to court, I will, if needed!  Keep your fingers crossed for me that he is fair!

I went on the search for a new holisitc dentist that can fix my problems.  I found the perfect dentist and all will be completed in 6 weeks!  I’m thrilled!  I have started the process to fix everything with the new dentist!  I adore him!  He not only KNOWS what he is doing, I really like him too!  He listens and validates what I am saying about what my experiences are with my teeth and what I feel my teeth are doing/feeling/adjusting too!  I’ll be sure to let you know how it worked out when all is said and done.  I might even post the letter that I sent to the old dentist so you will get to read what I went through for 10 months!  I’ll have to change the names and hide personal info, of course, but I just might post it to have the reminder of what happened for all time.

I have a lot more that has happened in the last month or so since I have posted last.  You just might see several new posts from me in the next few days…or not…

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My Poor Plum Tree

Yep, it's me!

I have been worried about my poor plum tree these days.  When spring sprung, all 4 of my fruit tree were in bloom!  I was so excited since last year only the apricot and white peach trees looked as through they would have edible fruit.  This year it was the apricot, white peach, nectarine, and plum trees, all looking like they were going to be bountiful.

Then I started to notice that what was happening last year to the plum tree, was happening again!  I did get a lot more fruit and leaves this year on this plum tree, but once again, the fruit was looking, well, how do I describe it?  Not well is an understatement, and ill doesn’t quite cover it either, but I’ll say it just looks sickly. 

My extent of growing anything is put it in dirt and water it, then cross my fingers and hope for the best!  That should give you some idea of what my gardens are like.  They tend to make it inspite of my care, well…if they are tough enough that is. 

I have made a video asking if anyone knows what is going on with my poor plum tree.  Feel free to go and watch it and comment on the video if you know what is wrong and what the cure is!  Click here for the Poor Little Plum Tree video. (Be warned, my video is full of drama over my tree because I really enjoy editing and I could do it, so…the drama lives…ha!)  I would LOVE to save that little tree!  I’ve only had it a couple of years and I’m beginning to wonder if the people that sold it to me, sold me a sick tree.  It’s very possible since I have NO idea what I’m doing.   *sigh*

I was looking forward to all the fruit last year, but the greedy birds left me NOTHING!  It was a masacre!  Here is the video of the white peach and apricot trees of what was left after the greedy little buggers came visiting!  This video, “Spring Into Summer – The Fruit Trees” shows the beginning of why my view of our feathered friends has changed into a view of our feathered enemies.  I was willing to share some…they weren’t!   

When I was a kid, there were fruit trees everywhere and the people just watered the trees when they watered the grass!  I didn’t see anyone doing anything with the trees.  They just grew and every year we would pick the fruit and eat them; plums, peaches, pomegranites, lemons, oranges, and avocados to name a few.  There were many nuts and berries too.  I guess I am just naive in thinking that these trees just grow naturally and all is well…or not…

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A Little Visit!

Yep, it's me!

I went away recently (May 9th to the 11th) to visit a friend, Elaina!  It was a lot of fun hanging out with Elaina again!  We also went to Venice Beach where we met up with another friend, Liz!  The walk down the boardwalk was interesting with all the art work and goodies to see and/or buy.  Lunch was delish, conversation was compelling with lots of laughs and all topped off and completed with cocktails. 

None of us thought to get a picture or video of the three of us together, but I did get a little bit of video to show I was there.  Here is a little video of the visit that I posted to YouTube if you are interested, called “A Walk & Lunch with Friends“.   It was the PERFECT day to be at Venice Beach.  It wasn’t too crowded, the weather couldn’t have been better with the sun shining and a cool ocean breeze, and wonderful company!

The time flies by when you are having fun and this mini trip was no exception!  The time flew by and I was home in what seemed like a blink of time!  On my way home from Elaina’s, I stopped in for a quick visit and lunch with my sister.  It was a busy few days of which I enjoyed immensely!  I’ll be looking forward to the next trip or the next visit of friends coming to my house.

With spring having sprung and summer just around the corner, I hope to be outside more and not hanging around inside too much, so I’m not sure if this blog will die on the vine here.  I’m hoping not, but time will tell.  I will be back writing soon, as there are some things coming up on the horizon.  If all goes as planned, I will be back in the next week…or not…

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I Figured it Out!

Yep, it's me!

That was an easy fix and I fixed the link bit!  Due to using a new browser (Internet Explorer 9), it wasn’t allowing popups even when I told it to.  What has fixed it was to click on the compatiblility link on the browser and all is working fine now.  I am adding this little “fix” here as I KNOW I will forget!

Now…where was I in my ramble? Oh yeah…talking about the fruit trees and the planting going on around here.  The weeds!  What a time I had with them!  They took over this spring.  I couldn’t keep up with them, so I finally got help to get them out.  The weeds are out now so it has helped to get things planted.  I’m starting to think that I might not replant some areas with ornamental plants (due to my missing the color green) and leave the space empty to plant veggies next spring.  I just might try that this year still, as I’m thinking I might not be too late just yet.  The growing season starts a little later here.

While being back here rambling along, I realize how much I miss writing here!  I will have to make it a point to write daily here…my little private diary in the middle of the public.  I guess it’s like hiding in plain site…well…not really, but sounds good…ha!

I see I have gotten a few new followers for this blog!  I’m a bit stunned wondering why anyone, unless I already know them, would register to follow my little blog and if you did…thank you!  I would love to hear from you…comment and say hello!  And if the followers are just computer/robot type of followers, well…I guess that’s ok too…LOL  I’m thinking I should delete all the followers that don’t comment…or not…

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It’s been awhile!

Yep, it's me!

Hi everyone!  I know, I’m not keeping up here very well, but I do miss it.  I think what happens is I get busy with other things and forget this is here!  Ahhhh…gotta love being easily distracted!

I have been busy with many things!  The winter was rough here and I lost over 45 plants!  (I stopped counting when I got to 45).  I have been trying to replace them with other things that might be a bit hardier to make it through.  Where I am, the winters can get cold and the summers are wicked hot, so if I want more than dirt and rocks, it’s work.

I have also planted some tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and bell peppers.  We shall see how it goes.  My fruit trees are doing well this year!  A lot more fruit than last year and all 4 trees have fruit!  White peaches, apricots, nectarines, and plums!  Now to see if I can keep them away from the birds!    If you would like to see what happened last year, here is the link:  “Spring into Summer – The Fruit Trees“.   Yep…it was a masacre…LOL

Oh no!!  There is an issue I just noticed with this blog!  *sign*  Now to go and figure out what has happened!  I can’t seem to format my link as before!  It sure seems that with each “update” things get broken!  Maybe it’s just me that always happens too?  I will be back and finish updating my thoughts here today…or not…

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