The Loss of a Friend

Yep, it’s me!

I haven’t been feeling much like doing anything in the last couple of days.  Not even a silly blog!  I had this feeling of impending doom, which I was just brushing off as residual energy from the Japan earthquake, tsunami, radiation leakage, et al… Until yesterday…

Yesterday I heard of the death of another friend.  Losing the people around you is the most difficult part of life, not to mention the older you get, the more friends and loved ones you lose.  I really didn’t think it was going to effect me this way.  Once the news began to set in, the sadness hit me hard and hasn’t let go.  He was my first boyfriend when I was in High School.  We started talking again, thanks to Facebook, and got caught up on our lives.  We talked about getting together this spring, but that isn’t going to happen now.  Money issues were the reason for not getting together sooner.  I hate the fact that money, or rather the lack there of, stops so many things in this life.

I am working through this loss the only way I know how, which is through tears and music.  This song haunted me after I heard the news, so I had to record it and put together a video to mark this moment in my life.  “Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend” is the video I made to begin to work through this.

I was looking forward to seeing him again.  He truly was my “memory” for the past and he always looked after me.  I needed a keeper in those days, and I am grateful I had such a wonderful young man, (we were both young at the time), to look after me!  One day, he just went away as quickly as he appeared.  He left without a word, just as he has done once again.  You will be missed, Russell…

Now to get back to my life with the reminder that I really need to go and see some of my friends before it’s too late; the reminder that we never know just how many grains of sand is left in the hour glass for any of us!  Time to get back to the continuous struggle of learning how to live life without the people that have helped me along through this life’s journey.

I’m noticing that so many of my friends are dying in their 50’s!  I can’t help but wonder when the sand will run out for me.  I won’t let money or lack there of, stop me this time!  There is just something about being in the presence of another that makes seeing, being with, and touching them soÂimportant to our well being as humans!

It’s times like this that make me wish I was a poet and I could express what I was feeling in a poignant and poetic way.  I’ve never been gifted with words, which is evident when reading my writing, but I don’t let that stop me. Maybe in my next lifetime I’ll be a poet…or not…

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The Weather and Other Things.

Yep, it’s me!

What’s up with the weather lately?  This month has been weird…record heat and record cold??  My plants don’t know if they should bloom or go into hiding with some opting to just die out! And, my oh my…my nasal passages are having wars with something and they are losing the battles big time!  Time for a vaporizer (vaporizer vs. humidifier could fill another blog on it’s own) as I’m not willing to go and get the shots weekly for the new “allergies” that the doctor says I am now reacting to, but that is another rant all on it’s own!

Back to the weather!  Things are changing so quickly out in the universe that I think that is what is happening with the weather!  Look at the sun, well, don’t look at it literally, but look at the data of where the sun is at in it’s cycle of storms.  I’m bracing myself for a massive wave to hit us any day now!  With the earthquake in Japan followed by the tsunami, which in turn has created this terrible issue with the nuclear power plants, (which I have been against nuclear power from the beginning due to the fact that there is no where to put the deadly waste; yet another blog), I think we haven’t seen the worst of it yet!  Not only are we economically depressed globally, we are about to get a HUGE lesson from the planet that we live on along with it’s energy giving star; the sun!

If you are interested in learning a little more about the sun, I found a great video to explain the sun and it’s cycles along with what effect it has upon this little blue dot called Earth.  Attack of The Sun is not only a video with wonderful HD quality, but has easy to understand information presented in an interesting way.  A must see!  Maybe it will help people to understand the sun along with things such as weather, global warming, possible future scenarios and whatever else someone might walk away with after viewing.  Hopefully you will get a new understand to the world around you and the sun’s relationship to us all.

If you happen to read this and watch the video, please register and leave me a comment on what you think about the video.  I’d love to hear from you!

Ok, now I’m REALLY off to see if I can fix that previously written about issue…or write the rant about the allergy doctor…or not…

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Trying to Fix Things Here.

Yep, it’s me!

I’ve noticed that the landing page of doesn’t allow you to just click on comment under the post.  You have to click on the post you want to comment on and there is where you can comment! I’m going to have to learn a little more about programming to find that code and and it to the front page style sheet!  It’s a bit annoying to have to click on the post to comment on it and I’m thinking that might be why people aren’t commenting…they don’t know how?  Off to see if I can fix it…or not…

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My Thoughts on Blogging

Yep, it’s me!

After several false blogging starts throughout the years, I’m really enjoying blogging now.  It’s a bit of a daily diary…not only of things that I have been doing, but also things that I have been thinking about.   It’s nice to have a place to put the little bits of things I think daily and write them here.  This just might end all these little pieces of paper that I have written things down on and then misplaced.

As much as I enjoy creating videos, I don’t like being in front of the camera at all and I tend to freeze up which makes vlogging difficult for me.  (For those who might be new to the term vlogging, it is to blog on video, hence the name, “vlog”).  To be able to write my thoughts and daily goings on is much easier for me.  I do envy those people who can talk to their cameras.  I’m still working on doing that, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon, as I have been trying to vlog for nearly 5 years and have yet to find a rhythm for me in front of the camera.  That reminds me, I think I’ll gather some of all this video I’ve been shooting and edit something soon!  I miss it, but with having camera and computer issues can make editing frustrating!

I think I will blog for the remainder of my life…or not…

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That was FUN!

Yep, it’s me!

I ended up going out last night to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and had a great time!!  Went to this little Irish pub in town that I had wanted to go to for several years now.  The people were very friendly!  FINALLY a place in town that had nice people…LOL  Maybe I feel that way due to the other places I’ve been to have a much younger crowd and they are NOT friendly to the “new comers.”  The people in this little pub where a mixed age group.  They were friendly, smiling, introduced themselves, talked, laughed…it was a wonderful time!

I drank Guinness and sang (they had Karaoke).  They had food too (corned beef and cabbage with some side dishes) but I didn’t try any, but it did smell good.  I have this weird thing about knowing where my food comes from which is silly, especially with all the Guinness!  That would have killed anything that might have been in the food…ha!

The next time anyone comes to visit and they want to go out for a bit, that is where I will take them!  Being out and about made me remember the “old days” so I’m thinking I’ll go out and about more often.  I just might make a new friend or two!  Maybe I’ll go back sometime this weekend…or not…

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